Misty Kazwell’s House Blessing!

Image0065The RPM has once again showed its passion to extend its wings to help and to serve the clients, with all the best it can and the very considerable performance it could show. It is once again, helped one of its clients to stretch its wings to reach the total satisfaction and the word, “HELP” to every individual, who would ask for our help in the office.

Just yesterday, October 22, 2010, the entire office together with the Assembly of God’s people and pastors, went to Mrs.  Misty Kazwell’s house, for the blessing. The house is already a one year old, yet it wasn’t blessed. The owner and the office decided to conduct a blessing ceremony on that same day.

At 9: 45 a.m., the ceremony started, with the International pastor, Fred Clark, from Oregon, U.S.A. The ceremony started with a group prayer, and then the holy water sprinkled on the entire place, to make the ceremony be done completely. CuTe piX001Pray over to all the house hosts were done by the pastors and the other church members, with the union of the voices, singing with the songs of God. The praising of His name was done to make the ceremony to be that solemn and formally welcome the Holy Spirit on the entire property. After the blessing, everybody enjoyed the boons on the table.

That was done successfully, and it is our pleasure and honor in the office to be one of those people who managed to help them, even on that simple way. For the entire family of Kazwell’s, Congratulations for your blessed house and for the successful ceremony!



  • forex 14 years ago

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  • stephanie 14 years ago

    Hello there Forex!

    Thank it is our pleasure to thank you for your comment on this post we have. We, the cdorealty.com people, are gld to hear from you our viewers. Thank you once again and our service and duties will not end only for these posts or events we have on site, but we are looking forward also for the best of our clients in the world of professional brokerage and for making those dream households of each of our viewers to come true!

    God bless you and your family!

    Stephanie Ocular

  • Misty 13 years ago

    Yay, found this URL when i was searching my name and i remember this event in my house! I’m not too religious that’s why my house was not blessed for a year lol but honored my house was blessed by the International pastor Fred Clark and the group of cdorealty. 😀

  • Stephanie 13 years ago

    Hello There Misty!

    How are you? We’re glad to hear from you again! Merry x’mas in advance with your family. I hope everything is going and doing well in your house. It is our pleasure and our happiness is at atmost one with the help we rendered you. Thank you for stretching out your hand and door for us to help you!

    Stephanie Ocular
    RPM Realty, Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation
    Globe: 09177951211
    TM: 09058424214


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